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RESIDENT I Artist Introduction - Lara Cobden

I had been transfixed by Lara's work for some time before inviting her to Colstoun to participate in our residency program. Her works are often on a smaller scale, they are intimate and feel like you are looking into something that you almost shouldn't be, a secret, a memory or something that Lara is showing you, and only you, with each of her works it feels as though she is giving a piece of herself. These are feelings that I had before meeting her, which were only further embellished by getting to know her over the course of a month in 2023.

Oil painting on wood board of a glass house at night with light shining from it painted by Lara Cobden
Hermit - Lara Cobden

Lara is an emotionally driven person (I mean this in a the most complimentary way), she makes decisions on the way she feels and how the consequences impact her. When she arrived I asked about her Journey, it took a winding path up the East Coast of England and even included a dip in the north sea, rather than the most direct route, which is probably the most indicative thing I can say about her character. Thoughtful, dedicated and patient the true beauty of Lara's experience like her Journey to Scotland was not realised with immediacy. Upon spending a month here Lara left with enough source material to last almost an entire year. creating a number of stunning works. Including the peaceful 'Where The Mist Roll In In Soft Whispers', 'Night Shift; Ghost Owl', 'Hermit' & 'Three Hares Under A Waning Moon'. There is a subtle poetry with how Lara titles her works which is indicative of her practice, intentional and meaningful.

Lara lived semi-nocturnally whilst at Colstoun appreciating a side of the East Lothian countryside that not many really ever have the opportunity to embrace. During midsummer the evening at Colstoun never descends into darkness, there is always activity, be it Hares, Badgers, Birds, Deer or Foxes the mischief is never ending, Lara's investment of time and effort to capture these scenes and to stay awake during the early hours of the morning repays itself many times over with the results. We are extremely lucky to have the opportunity to present a number of her works during our RESIDENT I show. Hopefully we can do justice in curation to repay her dedication.

moonlit scene of arable field in East Lothian painted at night by Lara Cobden
Pathway To The Buck Moon - Lara Cobden

During her stay Lara like always spent a significant time writing in her diary. We have received an extract from her writings which is beautiful and transplants you to her experiences at Colstoun almost as effectively as her painting does. The intimacy with which Lara writes makes me as the recipient of these words think hard about sharing them. I have kept them close to me for quite a while (since lara finished her residency last year). Thank you lara for becoming part of our family and life and thank you for sharing these words, we can't wait to present your paintings in just a few weeks.


Notes from the Attic | Lara Cobden

Artist Residency | Colstoun House June-July 2023

Sketchbook Dream Diary: Waxing Crescent Moon in Gemini May 13th 2021

‘...walking up stairs to a room with a balcony like a fire escape, French doors opening up to a night that seemed light as day... with friendly neighbours from various lands - plants growing very fast, like chickweed, linking together like joining neurones from one side of a courtyard to another - also there’s a strange tree, a quince or a fig tree, branches seems bare but with green and healthy pears growing from its roots, growing across the ground but not rooted in the earth. A judge for an art exhibition walks through rooms commenting on artwork, initially dismisses mine then returns, saying they are starting points and to follow on and go with the the flow of energy in the landscape... 3 neighbours were at my window asking me to join in preparation for something, a celebration... inviting people to return... ‘

Scribbled notes of a peculiar foreshadowing dream I had in spring 2021... I came across whilst packing notebooks & sketchbooks to take to Scotland, on an upcoming residency - maybe an introduction to an extraordinary midsummer month spent at Colstoun House?

moon rising over the west lawn at Colstoun House painted by Lara Cobden
Buck Moon Rising - Lara Cobden

I always feel an enormous weight lifted from me when I head off on a long journey - a sense of liberation and freedom - anticipation and wonder at what’s on the horizon. So it was with excitement and butterflies in my belly, I headed off on the eight hour journey up to Scotland in early June... I took my time, drinking in the changing sea and landscape on the drive up the east coast, stopping for a cultural visit to the Old School Gallery at Alnwick and a invigorating first dip in the Northumbrian sea.

Arriving at the gates and up the drive to an impressive and welcoming soft pink Scottish castle, I was met with a warm welcome by Lyn and Mackie and led into a cavernous hallway filled with rare birds, imposing portraits and an elephant skull, through a warren of corridors, grand rooms with grand pianos and luxurious decadent rooms with four poster beds, tapestries, libraries and glass cabinets filled with curiosities - a feast for the eyes - up, up to the attic - my home for the next month... my bedroom and adjacent studio both with extraordinary views... stepping out onto the roof to see the infamous stripy lawns laid out front and back, a huge sycamore in full leaf, affectionately referred to as the ‘cabbage’, ancient specimen trees and pine woods stretching out on the horizon - midsummer at Colstoun...

painting of a skull in the front hall at Colstoun with a butterfly on top of it by Lara Cobden
Shadowlands - Lara Cobden

Effervescent with light and colour, frothing with cow parsley and wildflowers, swooping swallows, glowing sunsets, crescent moons and late night dark skies filled with stars...I didn’t have to wait long for the mysterious Haar mist to roll in and wrap itself across the landscape like a blanket, softening edges and subduing colours - enchanting me to paint.... I love the quietness that thick mist brings and the editing out of diminishing details - paths leading off to unknown destinations, bridges crossing to disappearing land and trees that melt into the clouds - a beautiful challenge to recreate on canvas which I am enjoying, evoking the quiet softness with a limited palette.Exploring the woods I came across red deer, pheasants, woodpeckers, mistle thrushes, song birds, buzzards, kestrels, old pines with huge canopies to lie under...

Early morning walks through the gardens were filled with wild roses, foxgloves and rhododendrons - there were stoats, herons and the constant companionship of giant fairy-tale sized hares!Luminous pink skies at dusk, spent precariously sat under numerous nests, filled with young house martins and swallows, in the eves of the dovecote, watching acrobatic parents feeding on the wing and returning to ever hungry youngsters, slowly turns to twilight when the bats replace the aerial entertainment... Along with Alan, the story-telling gardener, and various characters from the Colstoun cast, all players in scenes across this majestically landscape.

A painting by lara cobden of an attic at colstoun with a full moon and long shadows across a chair from a window you see a spider on the ground crawling across casting its own long shadow
Moonshadow Dreamwear - Lara Cobden

The walled garden serves up delicious midnight offerings, twilight walks along rows of fruit trees, sweet pea tipis, raspberry canes and lines of cabbages, courgettes, lettuce and leeks; multi purpose polytunnels are filled with orderly orange strings of climbing tomato plants, garlands of drying onions, rambling vines or, conversely, empty chairs strewn, echo with yesterday’s nuptial celebrations.

a heron flies into the mist at Colstoun above the river in a midsummer haar painted by Lara Cobden
Where The Mist Rolls In In Soft Whispers - Lara Cobden

A true and surreal midsummer’s dream and a visual novel of images absorbed - ideas percolating, these meanderings have sent me down many creative rabbit holes and prompted ideas that I’m excited to explore now back in my studio...Armed with many sketches, photos, ink drawings and a head full of memories, I’m exploring ideas for a collection of small diary paintings to inform new larger works.

As both a single parent and a carer of elderly parents, the privilege of solitary time spent exploring this estate and endless uninterrupted hours sketching, pondering and painting has been such a precious gift, I’m so grateful to Jack and Maclean for offering this opportunity, and to the Colstoun family for their generosity and kindness. I look forward to replaying this dreamlike adventure through my paintings and meeting up with the Colstoun creatives later this year.

the glasshouse, one wild meadow and the evening light over colstoun painted by Lara Cobden
Night Garden I - Lara Cobden

please note that these images have been provided courtesy of Lara Cobden and should not be redistributed, if you would like any of the images please contact Lara Cobden or Colstoun Arts Directly either by email or Instagram for further information. Thank you.


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 Colstoun House, Haddington, East Lothian, Scotland, EH41 4PA


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